GlenAllachie 25 Year Single Malt Whisky is produced by the revived GlenAllachie, designed in 1967 to be almost full gravity fed to run on reduced energy. Campbell Distillers (later part of Pernod Ricard) acquired The GlenAllachie Distillery in 1989, and would be the start of 29 years of uninterrupted production. in 2017, the renowned Billy Walker, Trisha Savage and Graham Stevenson came together to acquire the GlenAllachie Distillery and form The GlenAllachie Distillers Company Limited, bringing with them over 100 years of industry knowledge and expertise.
The water to the distillery comes from dam heads over 2 miles from the distillery. Henshead and Blackstank flow into Beachshach Burn, which supplies the water directly to the distillery, and sits on the North East of BenRinnes.
At GlenAllachie, they have the capacity to produce four million litres of alcohol but made the decision to reduce this to just 800,000. By slowing down production, they now have the luxury of time for a longer fermentation of 160 hours. This allows them to better understand the operations at the distillery and gives the distillers the time to discover the character of the new make spirit.
The still house has two separate spirit safes which allows GlenAllachie to operate each set of stills independently. As the distillery was designed to be gravity fed, horizontal condensors make it easier to maintain a consistent temperature, or increase/decrease to alter the character of the spirit.
Unusually for a start-up company, GlenAllachie are extremely fortunate to have obtained a vast amount of aged stock along with the distillery, dating back as far as the 1970’s – they’ve been given the gift of time. When they received the keys to GlenAllachie, Master Distiller Billy Walker immediately set to work putting his fingerprint on our single malt.
Since reviving GlenAllachie, Master Distiller Billy Walker has spent endless amounts of time carefully analysing the spirit within each and every cask. It was then he realised just how special GlenAllachie whisky was. Now, the GlenAllachie 25 Year Single Malt Whisky is ready to be enjoyed by the world. Billy proudly puts his name to every single one of these bottles.
In their pursuit of excellence, he and his team na bi fois, leave no stone unturned.