Michters US*1 Small Batch Bourbon is carefully crafted by Michter’s Distillery. Originally known as Shenk’s and later as Bomberger’s, the whiskey company which ultimately became known as Michter’s was founded by John Shenk, a Swiss Mennonite farmer, in Schaefferstown, Pennsylvania in 1753. In its earliest days, Shenk’s produced whiskey from rye grain, a favorite local crop in the Pennsylvania Blue Mountain Valley where the distillery was located.
According to Pennsylvania historical lore, this particular rye whiskey was so valued that when the Revolutionary War broke out, General George Washington visited the distillery and purchased whiskey to fortify his men as they hunkered down in their camp through the long, brutal winter at Valley Forge. Over 200 years later the Michter’s Pennsylvania management would say Michter’s was “the whiskey that warmed the American Revolution.”
In the mid-1800s, Pennsylvania Dutchman Abraham Bomberger purchased the distillery from the Shenk family, and the distillery became known for many decades as Bomberger’s.
Michters US*1 Small Batch Bourbon is part of Michters US*1 range including Michters US*1 American Whiskey, US*1 Straight Rye Whiskey, and Michters US*1 Sour Mash Whiskey.